Information for Crowden School Parents
Dear Crowden School Parents and Guardians,
Enjoy the winter break!
School Mission and Core Values
MISSION: Students, teachers, and musicians at Crowden create a dynamic, inclusive learning community rooted in collaborative musical and educational experiences.
- We instill students with self-confidence, adaptability, maturity, critical thinking, and perspective to sustain their continued development and personal fulfilment throughout their lives.
- We value quality musical training and performance in balance with scholarly education as a core educational development of a whole person.
- We foster creative, problem-solving, compassionate young people with integrity and a sense of responsibility, who enrich their communities.
- We develop collaborative classrooms and school community where each staff member, student, and family take responsibility for the collective success and well-being of all.
Volunteer at Crowden
Education is a collaborative effort that involves not only the Crowden faculty and staff but also our supportive parents. Volunteering is a wonderful way to actively engage in your child’s educational journey and contribute to our school’s dynamic community. Your support is invaluable and greatly appreciated.
You can sign up to volunteer HERE.
Parent Volunteer Coordinator: Donna Williams, School Secretary
Room Parents
Third/Fourth: Nazalee Ranasinghe | Gilad Wolff
Fifth: Shannon Gerardin | Pooneh Najafi
Sixth: Sonya Sanchez | Gabrielle Moyer
Seventh: Lindsay Newman
Eighth: Naomi Marks
Important Links to Help Navigate the School Year
School Forms
Crowden uses the Ravenna SMS parent/guardian portal for student forms. Each parent/guardian should create their own user account to the parent portal for viewing and editing personal and student information. The signup link has been emailed to each parent/guardian. Please email the School Secretary if you have not received the link.
The after-school program, known simply as “Aftercare,” begins at 2:50pm for 3rd graders and 3:45pm for 4th–8th graders and ends at 6:00pm. Students not enrolled in Aftercare must leave the school grounds by 2:50pm/3:45pm or parents/guardians will be charged for after-school care. The Aftercare program coordinator and faculty members oversee homework and supervised recreation during the after-school hours. Healthy snacks are provided. Aftercare is available on a limited basis on concert nights. Students will be required to sign up in advance on these evenings. Students are expected to follow appropriate school behavior standards, and may not be permitted to take part in Aftercare if those are not respected.
Aftercare Charges & Sign-Out Procedures
The daily charge for Aftercare is $15.00 for students picked up by 5:00pm; $20.00 if picked up by 6:00pm. Students who leave for and return from a Crowden lesson pay $15.00 regardless of the time they are picked up. All students must be picked up by 6:00pm or parents/guardians will be charged $8.00 per minute for every minute they are late in retrieving their child. Monthly billing statements are sent through our FACTS payment program.
Students will only be discharged to parents/guardians or to an adult whom the parents/guardians have specified in writing. The adult must come to the library personally and sign out the student. This not only helps guarantee the safety of your child (which is always paramount), it helps prevent incorrect billing and further hassles for you. TCS will not release any student unless an approved adult comes in person for pickup. Please do not call and ask that your child wait in the lobby or in front of school.
Mental Health Support for Kids and Teens
- How to Help Teens Shelter in Place
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Talk to Your Child
- Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
- How to Get Work Done While Caring for Kids
- How to Explain Coronavirus COVID-19 to a Child with Anxiety
- Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 | CDC
- Common Sense Media for Parents
- "Screenagers" Tech Talk
Parking & Safety
TCS parking-lot spaces are reserved for staff and faculty. There is ample parking in the neighborhood. Beware of parking restrictions in front of TCS and Ruth Acty School and note the signs designating street-sweeping days.
Please use the green-curbed bay in front of the school when dropping off or picking up students. Adults who park on the opposite side of the street must accompany students across the street using the crosswalks.
Out of consideration for our neighbors, please avoid parking—even temporarily—in such a way as to disturb families in the vicinity. This includes parking in illegal areas, driveways, or in any way that inconveniences or obstructs the neighbors.
Double parking and U-turns in front of the building are illegal and dangerous; do not double park as that impacts school bus safety during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times.
Please note that Rose Street and surrounding areas are regularly patrolled by Berkeley traffic and parking officials. Families are responsible for resolving any parking fines incurred.
Public Health Resources
- Alameda County Public Health: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
- California Public Health Department: Fact Page
- Center for Disease Control (CDC): Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- City of Berkeley Public Health:
- Crowden School Air Quality Policy