Crowden Legacy Society


The Crowden Legacy Society is a group of individuals with the generosity and foresight to include Crowden in their estate plans.

Whether you are an alum, a teacher, or a friend in the wider community, your legacy gift can have a meaningful and lasting impact. Regardless of the amount, your gift is a statement of your belief that musical training and education makes a lasting difference in young people’s lives. When you demonstrate that you care about Crowden’s future, others will follow your generous example.

Legacy Society members are acknowledged in appropriate printed materials, either by name or anonymously. All gift information is completely confidential. Gifts may be directed toward general funds or a specific program such as financial assistance for Crowden students.

To set up a bequest requires a current will or revocable living trust. This form of giving offers numerous benefits:


The gift only requires a few sentences in your will or trust. A codicil can conveniently supplement your existing will without requiring the entire document to be re-examined.


You can change your mind at any time.


You can donate a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or particular assets.

Tax Advantages

Bequests may substantially reduce estate taxes. Your tax advisor can help you create a plan that will work well for you.

Shape your own legacy — while helping us to achieve and expand Crowden's mission

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