From Mr. Powles
On Valentine’s Day, the fifth grade class marked the occasion by engaging in an act of service on behalf of a member of the Crowden community. At its core, an act of service is about someone going out of their way to meaningfully help and support another person. When people take initiative to ease another’s responsibilities and burdens, it helps that person feel taken care of, respected, and appreciated in return. The fifth grade service project compelled students to take initiative to ease some of the responsibilities of a Crowden faculty member (Rachel, Donna, Kennia, and Reynaldo) in the spirit of helping our school community as well as making the faculty member feel respected and appreciated. As an extension of their recent work with non-fiction sources and public service announcement writing in English Language Arts, students worked together to craft interview questions, conduct an interview with their focus faculty member, then create a public service announcement on behalf of the faculty member they interviewed.
Full directions for the project can be seen here.
Click the links below to listen to the PSAs that students recorded:
- Emma and Aria’s PSA for Kennia
- Jay and Bronwen’s PSA for Ms. Rachel
- Laihana and Willow’s PSA for Ms. Williams
- Rani’s PSA for Rey (special note: since Rani graciously volunteered to partner with a student visitor for the day, she did the audio recording independently)